Friday, 26 February 2016


                     We must have all planted seeds in the ground at one stage of our lives or seen how it was done. And we all know what happens thereafter, you wait a while, (some weeks, months or years) depending on the sort of crop you’re growing. But we are ALWAYS expectant and ready to harvest that delicious crops….
Yummy!!! Well, it will interest you to know that God’s word is all we ever need to get through this life. John 1:1 talks about the Word being there right from the beginning and the word being God…. Think about it, He spoke the WORD and things came into existence. (Read Genesis 1). The WORD!!! He said in Isaiah 51; 16a, “And I have put MY WORDS in thy MOUTH….” Do you remember it was the same word from the beginning? “And the WORD was GOD”. Haaaaaaa, are you getting this same revelation as I am? Same WORD… Its soooo powerful it went forth and made things into existence. He put that POWER in us too, in our MOUTH!!!
           What am I trying to say? It’s not normal to just spit ANYTHING out of our mouths, (I’m also talking to myself). We have the power of God inside of us….
 Remember the parable of the sower? Luke 8:4- 8 Now Jesus went further to say in verse 11-15 how the seed is the WORD of God. The word of God can be sent to us via any form, but how do we receive it? Where do we plant it? Is it growing or is it stuck or thrown away? The words of our mouths are as powerful as any weapon. What we say either makes us or destroys us. Quick question…. What have you been saying lately? What have you been planting? Job 4:8, “Those who plow evil and sow trouble reap evil and trouble”. You can’t plant corn and reap oranges… You can’t use your MOUTH with the power of the WORD in it to confess negative things and expect a different harvest. That job is not paying well and when asked you condemn the job so much that if that job was a person, he/she would have regretted existing. That wife/husband or children are talking too long to show up and when asked why, instead of using the POWER in your MOUTH to call them forth you lament how you’re not good enough for anyone to be with or the “doctor” said you can’t have any children. WAIT- A- MINUTE!!! Who created you into existence? The “doctor” or GOD ALMIGHTY? He even created that doctor + all the wisdom they have too. How then can you accept and confess that you are sick and the “doctors” said just 1more week to live so you run back home and start preparing your bucket list? Omy!!!! Do you know that same word brought things into existence? The birds, seas, lands, trees, light, etc. you name it. He said we are formed in His image and likeness. We are also able to create or destroy with our mouth. He gave us the POWER!!!

            Have you been planting greed lately? Or selfishness when you know you can help out? Did you throw hate seeds into the ground? You better check what your about to reap before it would be too late. Go dig up that bad seed (via prayers) and replace them with the fruits of the Spirit. We must all reap kindness, joy, peace, patient, loveeeee. Etc. Enough of us planting rotten seeds and waiting to reap fresh crops. My papi and gmum, even down to little things like airtime for their phones, if they are running low on airtime will rather tell you , “ I have abundant airtime” and that word never allowed them to run dry of it. I remember when I had chronic asthma, I would always say, “my asthma this or my asthma that” until my papi asked me, “is it YOUR asthma? You own it?” hmmmm… immediately I started saying, “THE asthma” and confessing good health with my MOUTH. Today where is that asthma? Gone and buried for life. 16years of planting the wrong seed by claiming such deadly illness. How then do you know the word you are to speak? The right seeds to plant? He gave us His living word i.e. the BIBLE!!! My father in the Lord Bishop David Oyedepo said, “How much of the WORD you know is how much of GOD you know”. Until you know what is written, you can’t control what is happening. Because you don’t have anything to fall back on. We need to step out and grab this WORD.
It has enough in it to feed us and last us for our life time. It’s not just alright owing a BIBLE but don’t even know where to find most books in the bible for our consumption. Let’s try and make it a HABIT to read, study and practice out our bible at least EVERYDAY. You can start with as small as 1 chapter every day. Remember we are planting.  I will post soon about how I have my own word study daily and what I do to spice things up so I don’t feel reluctant or tried to study and sit at His feet. We need to hold unto GOD and His WORD like never before… The world is changing, the end is coming, and we MUST stay connected so we don’t miss Him when He comes back for us.
We have tried it the world’s way and nothing changed about us, now let’s try it GOD’S way and see the amazing things that will spring forth.
I am praying for ya’ll and I love you BUT JESUS loves you MOST….
                JOANN ENE-ITA