Living out for JESUS is totally fun!!! As a new creature in Christ Jesus people will try to make you feel like you’re missing out on all the
Can i be real???....
I would go to this parties, get so drunk and mess
myself up with guys and come home still feeling EMPTY!!! Why??? I wondered! I
wasn’t having FUN God’s own way.
If you know deep down in your heart, even as a new
creature in Christ Jesus that you do stuffs (i.e. your own way of having fun)
and you still come out empty with a heavy heart feeling guilty (even when you still
try to play ignorant) then you’re not having fun God’s own way! QUIT IT!!!
If you know you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Lord
and personal saviour then you would be dead
to your conscience even when you feel in a corner of your heart what your doing
is wrong. You have to make a declaration to live out for JESUS CHRIST
and ACCEPT Him into your heart. I repeat, THIS
EARTH IS ONLY TEMPORALY. You won’t be here forever.
I would share with you few steps to have massive fun
Christ way and not feel like you have gone astray or grieved the Holy Spirit.
He is not called the HOLY Spirit for nothing. If He lives inside of us because
our body is His temple (2 Corinthians 6:16) then how can He stay in a filthy
temple? He is HOLY, when we grieve
Him He leaves. Trust me you don’t want to make Him leave because that would be
an empty temple with no direction and instead of being directed God’s way the
devil will slip in and direct us the wrong way. God forbid.
After i gave my life to Christ i had to cut off fun
the worlds’ way because i noticed it was always making me feel heavy and i know
it was leading me down the wrong path.
So here are some fun i retreated to:
- I stopped hanging out with married or unmarried men with WRONG motives and calling them friends. (Like really??? What sort of friends please? I would convinced myself that it was a harmless date and at the end of it all, the rubbish spat out of our mouths was as good as a man hanging himself). So rather than craving for free meal ( that does not always end up FREE) and then feeling so used and all, i take all that craving, call up a few friends and have a little sit out where we could eat all we want, have good meaningful conversation and not wake up in a strangers bed. (p.s it doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant. You can create your own fancy).
So who are your friends? Yes Jesus
had alllll sort of them, from prostitutes to money collectors, to bullies, you
name it. BUT He was able to get them to FOLLOW Him and not the other way round. Who’s following you??? Who
are you leading? Or they are doing the leading? You are walking this earth for
a purpose miss/mister. We will not waste it in JESUS name. Amen.
You see, even after i gave my life to
Christ, i felt it was still okay to
go clubbing with my friends. (i won’t want to initially, but they always seem
to talk me into doing it) > That is
them leading me and not me doing the leading as a followers of Christ ...
So there we would be, partying all night into the morning, drinking alll sort
to feel a special kinda way, cussing,
etc. I look back at my past and can’t help but screammmmmm, “THANK
YOU JESUS FOR SAVING ME”. I was taking God’s temple into the wrong
gathering and messing it up seriously. I wanted to be saved and still be cool.
Lol, i sit now and laugh at how silly i was to ever think that was a coolll
thing to do. Hahahahahaha.
Look, i plead
with you to open up your hearts and digest this post the way God desires you
do. He wants us to depopulate hell, don’t assist the devil in roaming this
earth to SKD (steal, kill and destroy).
So one day, there i was, during my birthday
after few months of being saved, i thought i needed to go party it up with my
friends and one way or the other papi got to hear about it. The next day,
getting ready for lectures, i got a call from him that contributed to changing
my mind-set about this sort of fun.
He asked me to list the kind of people we find in the club. I started listing
and listing and they also ended up as people taking me further away from God
rather than drawing me closer to Him. I couldn’t even list 1 great man of God found there. How can i hang here? What sort of
fun is this?.... I wondered. I quickly repented. That day, i could not get
myself out of the house, i was wreaked and sober. Had to cling to the throne
room of mercy. “But Joann i love to dance, i love music and flashlights”. Well,
it would interest you to know there is even a more coolerrrr way to have
awesome fun.
GOSHHH!!! The thought of it alone makes me what to screammmm!!! My
mother always say in church, “It’s a shame when you go out there into the
world, party the worlds way, listen and scream their music out loud and come
into the presence of God with a heavy mouth that can’t open up and stand still
to His praises and worship. You need Jesus to deliver you”. Truth be told. She
is uber right!!!
I found theee BEST way to dance till i drop, get hangovers from the deep
worship, scream praises in awesome ways and get beautiful tingling in my body.
And that this can happen anywhere, at any time, and anyhow!!! I do it most
times at midnights, in church concerts, every Sunday in church and weekdays
This can only be boring to you if you don’t know what you’re on this earth
for and who is still keeping you on this earth to even be able to read on this
This type of fun is fun God’s way and it even have benefits attached to
it (check out my post PRAISE IS WHAT I DO).
So, rather than letting this friends
lead you out of God’s plan... You should take charge and do the leading. Have
them follow you to church, concerts that you know God’s presence dwells there
and you can even conduct your own praise and worship session. I have done it a
zillion times with my family and friends. We would wake up at midnight, not
asking God for anything but getting soaked in praise and worship to Him and now
see where we are..... Marvellous GOD!!!
You listen to this music and watch
this videos to stay coolll to your friends (remember you’re to change them not
the other way around). Now, you listen to this music, watch this videos and get
the wrong seeds planted into your head. Days later (or even same day) you start
to act out what you heard or saw. Spit cusses F**k, S**t, and act all violent.
Now please be nice enough to share with me how this dirty acts clean up God’s
temple? You mop the floor of your mind or heart with dirty water and expect to
smell fresh? Common honey, it ain’t magical. We have to guard our hearts......
“Guard your heart, for
everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth
free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight
ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for
your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right of the
left; keep your feet from evil.” Proverbs 4: 23-27.
We can’t seem
its cool to cuss and use that same mouth to worship God, it won’t get past the
roof. I found a cooler way to fun this out.
I got rid of alll dirty music and videos and
got only music and videos that edifies the Spirit of God. My phone is almost 5
years and when people ask me how and why it hasn’t crashed or broken down, i
quickly tell them because the Holy Spirit dwells inside it. (Call me spiritual)
but let’s reason together, i feed my phone with just worship and praise and use
it for His glory too. Now where is room for the devil to come frustrate me by
making it crash? I told you what you swallow in is what you spit out. In my
car, you can’t catch me listening or playing music that plants bad seeds into
my heart. And i believe that’s why my car is still waxing stronger. Lol. You see
boo, words are seeds, reading these words now, I’m planting seeds into your
heart (believe it or not). The pastor that preaches does the same and you feel
your music doesn’t?
You wonder why you have the urge to
have sex and defile God’s temple, you even say the devil cost it. But YOU
are letting him in. You are dancing to his beats and dwelling in the wrong
company and going to the wrong places. When the Bible said, “Keep your feet from evil”. He didn’t
mean going to kill or another thing you’re thinking of that is justifying you
right now. Keeping your feet from evil can mean going to those houses you know
pulls you away from God. E.g. drugs, gossip, premarital sex, envy, hatred, etc.
What have you been letting in???
There are lottttttttt more fun things
to do. Like; Bible study with friends, games, worship, singing praises in the
shower, movies, going to the spa, playing sport, cooking up new meals, learning
new activities, fellowshipping with people, all this to the Glory of God...
(p.s right now I’m worshipping as i type, it’s just sooo beautiful).
If you’re not saved or probably dead
to your conscience or still playing ignorant, all i have written in this post
would be seen as shown below:-
It would appear to you as rubbish.
I love you sooooo deeply and your
salvation is my happiness also. Please let JESUS CHRIST into your blessed blood-pumping heart
now and make Him Lord over you. You can’t do this life alone. We alllll need
Him to live in us. It’s either your serving GOD or the devil. Make that decision
today to serve JESUS and watch Heaven celebrate you greatly.
Shout out to having FUNNNN
God’s OWN WAY!!!
I love you but JESUS loves you most.